Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Spring and a young man's heart turns to love. I'm no longer young so Birding will have to do.................

Some photos taken while "entertaining" some visitors we had staying over, honest they did want to go for a walk that just happened to involve birds. Photos from St Cyrus, Gourdon, Fowlsheugh and Auchmithie with a couple from Arbroath at the end. Most photos on a dull day but you can see the difference when the sun shone on a Rock Pipit, a species I've always had trouble getting a decent photo of.

Fulmar, Auchmithie

This one at Fowlsheugh

Meadow Pipit, Fowlsheugh and below a Rock Pipit for comparison

Rock Pipit, Auchmithie

Skylark, St Cyrus NNR with another days sky pasted in replacing the pure white original!

Kittiwake, Fowlsheugh

Red throated Diver St Cyrus, part moulted into breeding plumage

Glaucous Gull 1st winter still in Gourdon Harbour

Waiting out the rain in a cave at Auchmithie, they do say I'm a hermit

Cloud just about past

The toughest biggest bully on my sunflower feeder

Greylag Geese at Keptie Pond, rare to see them there, maybe the pair seen last year briefly

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