Saturday, 2 April 2016

This weeks local mixture, I've been otherwise busy

Some of the photos from nearby this week when I didn't get far and never in the light I wanted it seemed

A Chiffchaff photographed into poor light but in as it's the first this year. At Montreathmont.

Olive wanted this in as she spotted it

One of three Buzzards circulating over St Vigeans, Arbroath

Song Thrush, also at St Vigeans where they aren't as scarce as elsewhere

Trying out my old 300mm lens, this Fulmar was one of the few photos I kept

Juvenile plumage on this Kittiwake at a nest site on Arbroath Cliffs

Grey Heron with an unlucky frog at Keptie Pond

I got pretty close to this one at St Vigeans where they seem used to people

Why not a Feral Pigeon they're colourful and tenacious birds

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