Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Marsh Harrier - Summer visitors arriving, winter ones almost gone

A visit to a few of the Angus Lochs and I was surprised to see not one but two male Marsh Harriers and a newly arrived Osprey fishing over Kinnordy Loch. Further inland near Lintrathen I found my first Wheatear of the year, acting on a tip from another birder. Also a few of the remaining duck species, the ever cute Long-tailed Tits and a drone flying over Murton NNR

Mucked up with the harrier after I'd turned the dial too far in the rush as it flew past!!

Marsh Harrier male, one of two seen at the same time

Hunting over the reeds

Osprey fishing at Kinnordy, ringed white LN and caught a small Pike just after this

Wheatear male near Lintrathen, first of the year for me

Teal drake at Kinnordy, only a few left

Long-tailed Tit near the car park at Murton

Wigeon drake at Murton

Drone pilot flying a drone at Murton NNR, but why hide in the far corner instead of using the car park?

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