Friday 2 July 2021

Sun Fly and Skater Boy

Tales from the edge, the pond edge. A combination of the sunny weather and Olive's garden becoming more attractive to the insects meant a few new species appeared on Thursday. I originally went to see if any of the small frogs were active, none were but an adult jumped into the water as I arrived. The first species is one of my favourite Hoverflies and is appropriately named.

Skater Boy, Avril Lavigne, click here

Sun Fly

Pond Skater

Tree Wasp, they frequent the pond surface where they hunt and drink by standing on the duck weed

Same Tree Wasp with it's tongue out and drinking

Greater Bulb Fly

Same Greater Bulb Fly

Garden Bumblebee

The light orange tail is probably an aberration caused by the light reflecting off the flower, Garden Bumblebee

Common Carder Bee

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