Thursday 5 August 2021

Barry Buddon - insects, a few birds and more

The results of a hard walk in bright sunshine on August 3rd to Buddon Ness and along the beach, dunes and roads. I have to mention the blooming clegs which wouldn't give me peace almost all the way back.
I'd missed the high tide but did see a flock of over 100 Sanderlings, a few terns and Gannets out at sea.  

Feel free to correct my identifications , I don't have time to get them all correct! 

The only recent video, this Goldfinch in my garden eating thistle seeds, click here

Blue-tailed Damselfly, not a glorious starting photo and probably one of the last taken on the golf course, by which time I was knackered carrying the big lens and frustrated by the clegs

Cattle need to be avoided just now, they are surrounded by clouds of biting insects

Common Blue female

same one as above

Common Blue Damselfly, male

Common Darter Dragonfly, female

Common Darter Dragonfly male

Dark Green Fritillary

"The Footballer" Helophilus pendulus

Emerald Damselfly

Fox and Cubs (or variant of)

Red Clover

Heath Grasshopper (or field?)

Heath Grasshopper and bullet hole

Many bullet holes in this "jack up" target, it clearly put up a good fight before succumbing!

Green-veined White

Grey Seal


Kestrel female, it's been on this territory all year

Meadow Brown

Shaded Broad-bar Moth



Robber Fly species

Roe Deer

I couldn't avoid flushing them as they were close to the road, the only alternative would have been climbing the fence into the grenade range - that would be folly

Small Heath

Crab Spider species (maybe)

A spider in its web having captured a Wasp species

Stonechat juvenile

Syrphus ribesii Hoverfly (best guess)

Toad, a tiny one


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