Sunday 8 August 2021

Gannets going north - Arbroath Cliffs

A Gannet feast on Friday as 300 or more were passing north at Arbroath Cliffs every hour. A few came in close enough for photos, along with Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Guillemots, Herring Gulls and a shiny new moulted female Kestrel.

Gannets flying north at Arbroath Cliffs, tight zoom, click here for video   

Gannet second year plumage, all of the Gannets photographed from the clifftop at Arbroath

Gannets, adults, first year and second year birds, moults are variable even asymmetrical

Guillemot and this years juvenile, just off the rocks at Scurdie Ness

Herring Gull adult with this years brood, forever demanding more food

Female Kestrel

Kittiwakes, adults juveniles and some of last years immatures at Whiting Ness, Arbroath

Looks like a Garden Snail, Arbroath Cliffs

Spoonbill in the middle sleeping, Montrose Basin

Banded Snail species, perhaps "yellow-lipped"

The last Common Carder this year, honest

Juvenile Common Tern at Scurdie Ness, perhaps from the nesting colony in Montrose

Cormorant, looks to have something stuck in its bill, it was permanently open as it flew past

Fulmar, during a Gannet interlude

Tachinid Fly, Eriothrix rufomaculata

Large White Butterfly, they replaced the Green-veined Whites this weekend

Chocolate Mining Bee female

Chocolate Mining Bee female

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