Monday 9 August 2021

Weird Bumblebee anatomy and a Mediterranean Gull

More photos from the garden as I waited for a delivery that didn't turn up, and still hasn't days later! Identities are best guesses based on online searches often started from a Google Lens result of the photo. Any experts out there who know better than me (easy) and have time to waste as I do, let me know if I'm wildly off or just got the wrong sub-species.
Autumn migrants have started to appear and I'll give the insects for another year, and resume next year having forgotten anything I learned this one!

Mediterranean Gull, adult behind Chalmers, West Links, Arbroath, click here for UHD video  lots of terns around but no Roseate when I was there

Clarks Mining Bee

Common Hoverfly Syrphus ribesii

Common Hoverfly Syrphus ribesii

Wall Mason Wasp, Ancistrocerus parietinus (?)

Wall Mason Wasp, Ancistrocerus parietinus (?)

Small White Butterfly

Marmalade Fly

Chocolate Mining Bee

I think this is a worker Buff-tailed Bumblebee, a very small bee

Large White Butterfly, very mobile and flighty in the sun

Tachinid Fly Eriothrix rufomaculata   

I've become fascinated by Garden Bumblebee mouth parts and tongues! I watched one preening and realised what I'd thought was its tongue was actually a sheath comprised or two parts, maxilla and pulp with the tongue inside. More amazing or weird is they can hinge the maxilla and pulp out of the way to preen them. It's a different macro world, so I've posted the photos here for posterity....

last one  

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