Sunday 15 August 2021

Exotic little beasties

More insects, taken in an interlude between the pruning (tree surgery more like) of neglected bushes in the gardens. As usual I've tried to get the identifications correct, but it seems that many need very close examination to be sure, something not possible later on a PC monitor. Some new species today and they stayed around in the sunshine, although the wind didn't help the photography. All photos from Saturday 14th.

Pied Hoverfly, Scaeva pyrastri 

Pied Hoverfly, Scaeva pyrastri 

Wall Mason Wasp

Wall Mason Wasp

Marmalade Fly

Syrphus ribessii Hoverfly 

Cheilosia albitarsis, Black Hoverfly 

Drone Fly

Andrena lapponica, Bilberry Mining Bee

Garden Bumblebee

Large White Butterfly

Large White Butterfly   

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