Wednesday 18 August 2021

Montrose Basin and improving insect photos

I spent a long time at Montrose Basin on Tuesday, looking for and eventually finding a single juvenile Ruff, it was sleeping at Rossie Spit, thanks go to a Crow that woke it up. Also on the spit were 24 Greenshanks, 19 Knot, a few still in fading breeding plumage, 89 Goosanders, Oystercatchers at least 400, Redshanks more than 300, Common and Sandwich Terns, various gulls, Cormorants, Dunlin Curlews and Grey Herons.
While scanning back and forth along the spit I picked up a Fox in the open on the edge of the long grass at the back of the spit. I could see it clear as day, it could see the roosting waders but must have decided it would be futile trying to cross the open ground to get at them. The birds either didn't see the Fox or knew it hadn't a hope, this was late morning.   

Video links below, click each species to view.

KNOT       COMMON TERN (juv)       COMMON TERN (adult)      GREENSHANKS      PAINTED LADY     

Just one of about 800 Canada Geese at the Lurgies, Montrose Basin on Tuesday

A very obliging Painted Lady Butterfly, a newly emerged one by the fresh look it has. It landed right next to me as I sat down on the first concrete seat, the photos had to be taken from further away - a long lens means focus range is 2 metres+

Imagine having a tongue about half the length of your body

Based on the size of the black spots, and the butterfly itself, I'm going with Large White Butterfly   

Part two from 16/8/2021

Dejavu, another bunch of insects, but as I spent some considerable time identifying them I thought they were worth posting. I don't often go out birding at the weekend, so with autumn on its way and migrant birds arriving I'll try hard to get some bird photos for posting this week.
I got cocky here and even decided to put male or female for some of these, which is probably a stupid mistake as I can't figure that out for many humans these days. Yes, my Dad said that about me and my mates when we were young, when we never knew we could be LBGT etc....we simply had long hair which I seem to be achieving again.

Everything's a bit bright again thanks to Google, and I forgot to apply a "darken" filter before posting, hey ho!

Roe Deer chewing away at Murton, click here for video

Starling, sitting on the large pile of pruned cotoneaster

Small White Butterfly (maybe some of the previous "large" were also "smalls")

Ancistrocerus parietinus (Wall Mason-wasp)

Ancistrocerus parietinus (Wall Mason-wasp)

Dasysyrphus albostriatus (Stripe-backed Dasysyrphus) Hoverfly. This was rescued from the recycle bin after I spotted the species while looking for something else, I've never see one before

Drone Fly, they're a kinda creepy and sinister

Eupeodes corollae female Vagrant Hoverfly. This species had two other names before I decided on this

Eupeodes corollae female Vagrant Hoverfly

Eupeodes corollae female Vagrant Hoverfly

Eupeodes corollae female Vagrant Hoverfly

Greenbottle Fly

Marmalade Fly

Marmalade Fly

Pied Hoverfly Scaeva pyrastri   

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