Wednesday 18 August 2021

No flies on me - they're here!

An early trip to Murton NR near Forfar before the upcoming Webs count wasn't very inspiring with all of the ponds very full of water resulting in no muddy edges or shingle islands. As usual at this time of year the Greylag Geese numbers are building up, perhaps 300 were present. The Sand Martins were still active at the concrete wall with many chicks near to fledging.
Photos of an unwary Roe Deer, one of the Common Darters which didn't like the windy conditions, some flowers then a number of flies from my garden which I may have identified correctly!

Roe Deer at Murton

Common Darter Dragonfly, Murton

Fox and Cubs, and Marmalade Fly

Maiden Pink, Murton

Eriothrix rufomaculata Tachinid Fly

Eriothrix rufomaculata Tachinid Fly

Platycheirus scambus Hoverfly 

Sarcophaga carnaria Common Flesh Fly

Sarcophaga carnaria Common Flesh Fly

Tachina fera Tachinind Fly and perhaps Eriothrix rufomaculata Tachinid Fly

Wall Mason Wasp, Ancistrocerus parietum

Wall Mason Wasp,  Ancistrocerus parietum

Wall Mason Wasp, Ancistrocerus parietum   

Dolichovespula sylvestris, Tree Wasp   

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