Friday 17 September 2021

Days Of My Life (These Are The)

A few days in this post, from East Haven, Kinnaber Links and Beach, Maryton Ditch at Montrose Basin, Mains of Usan and Olive's garden.

There were 6 Brent Geese at Craigmill when I did my Webs and one Mediterranean Gull.

Three Little Egrets were at Maryton Ditch and getting a hard time from some Grey Herons.

I've been back to Kinnaber and eventually got great views of the adult drake Surf Scoter, only to find my camera battery hadn't charged fully - no photo or video.

Just as I drove into the car parking at Mains of Usan a Merlin flew at speed through the farm and flushed a large flock of Starlings. I didn't get any immediate photos as I was still in the car! I did take lots of photos of the flock when some landed on the sheds and I could see many wore orange rings.

Finally, probably the last post of Hoverflies unless we get unseasonably warm weather, and the grass remains dry enough to lie on!

A decent video of Common Scoters, but I'll get better if the beach isn't so busy        Starlings, chirpy chaps! 

These are the days

Pale-bellied Brent Geese at Craigmill mouth on 13/9/2021

This Little Egret has yellow legs, usually seen on a juvenile. Seen for the third time at Montrose basin from around 200 metres away. No, it's not mud, it had just been wading

Red-throated Diver at Kinnaber, looking through my photos and videos I've noticed that almost all are adults with a few juveniles, why?

Another Speckled Wood Butterfly along with a second one, both seen at Kinnaber in dull conditions. This was the only photo I could get after warming up the dead camera battery in my hand after it failed just before I had a good view of the Surf Scoter drake I'd been looking for.......

Some of a large flock of Starlings flushed when a Merlin attacked, I think it must have got one as these ones flew back to the farm buildings at Mains of Usan and settled quickly as if they knew it was eating one of their mates!

I've sent 11 photos of the ringed Starlings to the local ringer and expect most will have been ringed in Montrose

The result of the Merlin's attentions, quite spectacular as they acrobatically flew around the field hoping to avoid the Merlin, this was taken when the arrived back at the farm buildings

Long Hoverfly, Sphaerophoria scripta in my garden

Nettle Tap Moth, Anthophila fabriciana, a tiny moth which looked more grey than brown to my eyes, perhaps the yellow reflected light is the problem

Drone Fly, Eristalis tenax

Marmalade Hoverfly, Episyrphus balteatus

Pied Hoverfly, Scaeva pyrastri

Sun Fly or The Footballer, Helophilus pendulus

Common Banded Hoverfly, Syrphus ribesii 

Drone Fly and Pied Hoverfly

Buff-tailed Bumblebee, new Queen

Buff-tailed Bumblebee

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