Sunday 17 October 2021

Danger Point Gulls

Some photos from Danger Point, aka the Old Brewhouse. I was only there for around ten minutes and yet saw quite a few species, some namely the gulls coming to bathe in the fresh water of the Brothock Burn. 
I'm trying to research the Brewhouse after finding out that my ancestors lived in number 1 High Street, the current address of the Brewhouse, but I think I recall that number 1 may have been demolished and the car park might be where it stood. Some sites show the Brewhouse as number 3 High Street?

Might return to this later

Great Black-backed Gull, average wingspan 160cm, Golden Eagle 200cm. Gives an idea of just how big these gulls are

I don't know if this is the same Grey Heron I've seen there before, but the pool formed by the old sewage pipe is certainly a favourite as the tide rises

Herring Gull with its winter plumage, Olive thinks it makes them look more mean than usual

Goldfinch on the "butchered" side of the Cotoneaster, it had grown out of control and needed drastic pruning, the other side which had been pruned more recently is growing in already. This and the photo below were taken as a test of a lens I acquired for next years insects, it's a lightweight 50-200mm with VR, although given its lightweight I think I'd have got away without it

Tree Sparrow showing an interest in the Niger which is slowly being eaten by some Goldfinches

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