Thursday 14 October 2021

Forfar Loch, Murton and onward to the coast

It's a fortnight since I posted anything political, with a lower case p. The link below is to an article written by George Monbiot in the Guardian about how the elites manipulate the laws in the UK to suit their "pastimes", namely hunting and shooting. Perhaps the laws are actually there but not implemented. Have a read, it covers more than just fox hunting including more on the arson attack on Chris Packham's property, the burnt down gate and CCTV camera. 

Photos below from a few sites over a few days, nothing spectacular, but the first Dragonfly photo is a favourite.

Black Darter Dragonfly female at Murton NR. look carefully and you'll see it's eating a fly

A second female

I like Magpies, and I think it's because they are difficult to photograph. These photos are from Forfar Loch

Also at Forfar Loch these two Red Admirals in contrasting condition

This Robin hangs about at one of the shelters, all but one of the shelters have no view at all because the undergrowth hasn't been cut back

Female Pintail at Murton NR

One of six Mute Swans at Murton

I missed a Hooded Crow by a day at Mains of Usan but I did get this Carrion Crow, not much of a consolation

Another of my "liked" species a Jackdaw

Pied Wagtail with a yellow face on the main shed at Mains of Usan

I'd been trying to photograph these Pink-footed Geese from the roadside as they fed in a field
when someone walked across the field and flushed them

I'll admit to waking this Roe Deer up near the dam at Mains of Usan

Recently from the beach I've counted five wind turbines just over the horizon, looking at the maps these appear to be in the northern part of Seagreen Alpha or the Inchcape Offshore field. 

This Woodpigeon had a wing injury but otherwise seemed fit

A Grey Heron fishing in front of Montrose Railway Station where I was scanning through 1000's of Pink-footed Geese well out on the mud. I did find a Barnacle Goose in a second flock out from Tayock, even further away

Later these Ruff were seen at the Slunks, another three were out of shot to the right. They were 160 metres from my viewpoint on the Lurgies path

Three Wheatears on my Webs Survey at East Haven

Some of the trees at Morrisons roundabout in Arbroath, let's hope the Blackbirds leave the berries long enough for some Waxwings to turn up

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