Saturday 2 October 2021

Will it all go up in smoke before COP26?

No way was I going out on a wet, cold and windy afternoon just to get photos for this blog!
However I did find the RSPB articles below, newest first, which deal with how OUR moorland and it's wildlife are treated and what the answer is.
Before you click on the RSPB links, have a click on and look at this from Science Daily, Act now to benefit economically from peatland restoration I don't suppose I'll ever see the benefit per household they mention, but if the ecological benefit arises it will make the country a better place for us all to live in.  

Will my grandchildren ever see the likes of him again? Think of him being the wee man fighting the big vested interests (photograph across the width of a field)
Click on the links below for each article.

And so ends today's sermon, so I won't have to go to church tomorrow.......again

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