Friday 21 January 2022

Smew drake in Fife, Green Sandpiper at Monikie

Photos and videos from Cameron Reservoir, Monikie Country Park, Eden Estuary, an Angus Farm and another look at my garden visiting Foxes. I may have time to elaborate on Saturday, no promises......

Green Sandpiper at Monikie CP, click here for video      Smew drake at Cameron Reservoir, click here      Little Egret 

Red-throated Diver, Out Head      Foxes in my garden (long)      Whooper Swans, Cameron      Corn Buntings on wires 

Drake Smew at Cameron Reservoir, near St Andrews. Unfortunately never near, much of the banks have no access, but at least it stops people continually flushing it

Unusually this Little Egret at Cameron didn't fly away when I got out of my car in the car park at Cameron. The Egret was sheltering behind a bush only 15 metres away, avoiding the strong cold wind blowing down the loch

Red-throated Diver on the Eden Estuary at Out Head

Green Sandpiper in sunlight at Monikie Country Park

Closer but in the shade behind the island in the dark

I believe this is one of the RAF's new Poseidon Maritime aircraft, seen doing circuits at Leuchars, I'll investigate soon

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