Friday 28 January 2022

Iceland Gull, Goosanders and game bird dumping

At last, a first Iceland Gull of this year, and at the usual place the gull roost near the old sewage pipe at the north end of Victoria Park. Found by Graham and then Dan, it was mostly sleeping at low tide and photographed at 125 times zoom.

I'd been at Keptie Pond earlier in the day, then West Links but had left Victoria Park to later, and instead went to look at wild bird cover strips on Corn Bunting survey farms when I got a text about the gull. The strip I was on at the time had 12 Linnets and little seed left other than some rape which had still to grow and reach the seed stage.  

Iceland Gull wing pattern, click here      Iceland Gull zoom      Iceland Gull preening

Game birds being dumped again, perhaps the market is falling due to the toxic lead found in supermarket birds, click here for video

1st winter Iceland Gull at Victoria Park, Arbroath

Possible to view with binoculars and made easier if it stands up, not so easy if it's sleeping and head on

Goosander drake at Keptie Pond

Goosander female


Yes it was gathering nest building material

More investigation into this duck at Keptie as some think it could be part Red-crested Pochard, we think it's part of a hybrid collection released at the pond

Mallard drake

Mallard duck


Tufted drake

I tried hard to get a readable photo of the metal ring but another Black-headed Gull kept pushing it off the perch. The sun wasn't helping much either

Carrion Crow at West Links

Pied Wagtail, West Links

Rock Pipit, a pair were feeding on the grass behind Chalmers Cinema

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