Tuesday 1 February 2022

Great Northern Diver still around

It was good to find the Great Northern Diver was still following the same pattern at Montrose Basin, following the tide up the channel and into the river, sometimes continuing as far as Bridge of Dun. Fortunately the gorse which had blocked the path had been cut (it will grow in again quickly) and I was able to follow the diver as it quickly swam upstream. It was difficult to say just how far it went as I lost it above the lurgies pool so it could have gone past the bridge.
A bonus Otter was filmed from a distance in the pool where the new white house is. It moved downstream but disappeared when a noisy tractor sped down through a nearby field.
The other video is a 3 second clip of a drake Long-tailed Duck from the Eden estuary, I slowed it down to 33% and repeated it, I couldn't get a screen grab so the video is a substitute.  

Great Northern Diver, Lurgies and Slunks area, Montrose Basin

Goldeneye, seen near to Bridge of Dun

On a very high tide at Miss Erskine's Bank there was just enough land left for three Greenshanks

Two of three Roe Deer near Bridge of Dun, flushed by a racing tractor!

Eider drake in Arbroath Harbour, no sign of Little Grebes, maybe in the marina, the seal is still around

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