Saturday 8 January 2022

Sparrowhawk again - just in time for my Garden Birdwatch!

Just when I thought the Sparrowhawks had given up due to the very wary birds in my garden, this one appeared when I was watching my rat and wondering why it wasn't dead from the poison I saw it take! The rat bolted when it clocked the hawk and I took more steps to get rid of it, time will tell.
I suppose this will mean another low count in my Garden Birdwatch on Sunday, a pity as most of the likely species had returned in the last few days.

Trying to hold a heavy prime lens up in the hope that this Sparrowhawk would fly somewhere I could get a flight photo. It worked this time just before my arms would have given up

I wonder just how many Sparrowhawks I'm seeing, they are all sizes and plumage patterns

This bird knows I'm watching from my kitchen

Clearly showing the long middle talon 

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