Wednesday 23 February 2022

Black-necked Grebe and forest birds

Dragged out of the house on a cold windy day to perform my drivers duties, I risked a short trip to Monikie, hoping the forecasted rain might hold off. On arrival I made a quick scan around the North Pond and found a few Tufted Ducks, some Goldeneye, a Cormorant, a Redshank, one Little Grebe, an Oystercatcher and about 20 sleeping Mallard.
I moved on to the Island Pond, there was no shelter at all there, and it was no surprise to find next to no birds on the water. There were a few Teal by the nearest island and apparently nothing else. I moved around to the first pier, and I could see the Black-necked Grebe was still around and feeding between the pier and the island. I sat on the wet ground in the vain hope that it might get used to my presence, but every time it looked to come closer someone else walked past behind me. Yes, I wasn't the only lunatic out in the gale.
The other photos in this post are from Montreathmont Forest and a few from my Garden Birdwatch. I've just remembered I have some video including one or maybe two from my Webs Count at East Haven. Click the links below to view. 

Black-necked Grebe      Lesser Redpoll      Yellowhammer      Red Squirrel      Bar-tailed Godwits and Knot      Nexans Aurora Cable Ship    

Black-necked Grebe, still at Monikie Country Park, on the Island Pond in today's gale force wind

Lesser Redpoll in Montreathmont Forest

Siskin male

Siskin female

Chaffinch female

Coal Tit


Great Tit


Yellowhammer male

Red Squirrel, only a part portrait as it was only 5 feet from me, with a 420mm lens

One of the six Greenfinches in my garden during the weekends Garden Birdwatch

Woodpigeon also in my garden

One of my Yellowhammers and the least wary which had strayed from the cover below the bushes  

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