Monday 28 February 2022

Gourdon, Bald Eagles, Peat and Poo

Four photos from Gourdon Harbour where we'd went looking for a Glaucous Gull, not that one had been reported, just that I've seen a few there in the past. There used to a single white fish boat in the harbour which they could have followed in but I didn't see that boat today. However, there is a fish merchants right on the harbour, and it's not the tidiest and the gulls love it. No bird today though.

Links to some interesting articles describing how we in different ways are hindering wildlife, two are obvious but the third shows how our behaviour can have unintended consequences.

Bald Eagle recovery stunted      Peat still being used for gardening      Dog poo, who knew?

Another nest attempt is ongoing at Keptie Pond, below are two videos from the one in 2020

Great Black-backed Gull at Gourdon Harbour

This Great Black-backed Gull was ringed, Yellow 163:M in 2020. I'll add anything I get back from the ringers later

Dunnock, an unusual visitor at Gourdon harbour which I presume has come down with the many House Sparrows seen in the sunks (creels)

Rock Pipit, a few were around the harbour area

Some more Black-necked Grebe photos I took last week when there was a bit of sunlight shining on Monikie

With a stickleback, caught near the pier where I was told the water is up to 25 feet deep

Trying to break off the spines and line it up for swallowing

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