Wednesday 2 March 2022

Ross's Goose and Green-winged Teal in the Kingdom of Fife

Birds seen in my first Fife tour of 2022, I was drawn there to see the Ross's Goose which had first been found at Montrose Basin in October 2021. It went on to tour Scotland, being seen in Ayrshire, near Milngavie and Bearsden and found at the weekend near Freuchie in Fife. Always seen and flying with Pink-footed Geese, I'm confident it will be accepted as a genuine record of a wild bird, especially since a Ross's Goose from the 1970's was accepted and the species added to the British List. Ross's Geese have seen a population explosion and have moved east into breeding grounds also used by Pink-footed, I'll leave you to look up the science and data which also refers to Snow Goose expansion east.
Also seen in Fife, a Green-winged Teal at the Wilderness, Grey Partridge, Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Great Crested Grebe, Common and Velvet Scoters and after a search at high tide on the Eden Estuary 41 Scaup.

Videos of some of the above, many were very distant with the Scaup measured at 1.55km!! Click to view in a new window.

Green-winged Teal            Scaup at 1.55km (200* zoom)

Ross's Goose near "The Wilderness", Ladybank, Fife 

The first Lesser Black-backed Gull I've seen in 2022, observed with another at Letham Pools, Fife. Followed up by a third flying over the car in Greendykes Road Dundee on the way home

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