Saturday 5 March 2022

Purple Sandpiper Post

I had to wait till mid afternoon before the rain stopped on Friday, but that suited the high tide at Arbroath Harbour. For the first time in months there weren't any Little Grebes, just 2 Eider and most of the gulls were absent. A look at the breakwater revealed the waves were coming over it, and nothing could roost except for the area at the harbour mouth with the light. No white winged gulls were present, again, and the Great Black-backed numbers were low.
I did find the Purple Sandpipers and when a lobster boat flushed them an unseen flock of 64 Redshanks flew off as well, add to that 2 Turnstones, a Rock Pipit, and that was it.
Purple videos below.

Purple Sandpiper, Arbroath Harbour          20+ Purple Sandpipers        Purple Haze

Purple Sandpiper sitting out the high tide at Arbroath

The highest count looked to be 41 birds, they were flushed after a lobster boat tied up near them

Comfortable enough to sleep, albeit with one eye on what was going on  

They all like their own little space

They had a look at the west breakwater but as the waves were coming over it they initially declined, later some birds were seen near the breakwater light

Tufted Duck at Keptie

Wigeon drake at Keptie


I'll try and keep an eye on this hybrid to see if it and the female try to breed  

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