Sunday 6 March 2022

Wren, Buff-tailed Bumblebee and a Hoverfly (frogs by next weekend)

I didn't intend taking any photos or go looking for birds today but one bird and two insects in my garden forced me to get the camera out. I'd taken a chainsaw to the apple tree in the front garden, and while there I noticed a bumblebee and what I thought might be a Chocolate Mining Bee, they nest against the house wall in a small border. It wasn't a Chocolate though and my best attempt at ID is a Eristalis pertinax!
Later after filling up all of the feeders, I counted birds for around an hour for the Garden Birdwatch which I carry out weekly for the BTO. It's free so why not sign up and contribute to their data.

Blackbird         3
Blue Tit         2
Chaffinch         2
Coal Tit         1
Dunnock         1
Feral Pigeon 10
Goldfinch         4
Great Tit         1
Greenfinch 4
Herring Gull 1
House Sparrow 5
Robin          1
Starling          4
Tree Sparrow 8
Woodpigeon 1
Wren          1
Yellowhammer     4

Olive had seen a Wren about a week ago in the garden but I couldn't re-find it until today as I sat in the sun after a stint of tree butchery

It was calling, not an alarm call but not singing either

Yellowhammer on my garage waiting for me to leave

A Queen Buff-tailed Bumblebee, my first bumblebee of the year. It's a shame it's got so many parasite mites, many do at this time of year

Eristalis pertinax Hoverfly, or similar species!

Photographed at range with a 420mm lens setup

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