Tuesday 8 March 2022

Razorbills are back, Kittiwakes and Guillemots too

A simple walk along the clifftop south of Auchmithie, hoping that some Guillemots, Razorbills and Kittiwakes had returned to near their nest sites. A few were on the cliffs but later flocks formed on the sea, never near but they were prospecting.
I ended up with a species count of 36 including some new birds added to my BirdTrack checklist for the site.

Shags "courting too slow"          Razorbills return

One Shag is already collecting nest material while the others are "still dating". Unfortunately even after a number of photos I couldn't read the darvic ring, it looked to have bled and the sun was flaring on it. Blue with white lettering or numbers

The Guillemots and Razorbills weren't around until the tide started to rise in mid afternoon. Flocks of Kittiwakes were forming offshore when we left

Quite a number of Skylarks, most in or near one of the wild bird cover crops

Yellowhammers in Auchmithie, along the cliff path and in Castlesea Gulley

No idea where this was but near or in Auchmithie

Two Collared Doves were near the Manse and this might be one of them preening beside the bus shelter

A lonely Curlew near the Coastguard houses

A 7 Spot Ladybird which had flown away when we walked back along the cliff path, it was fairly warm in the sunlight

The auk view from the cliff path just south of Auchmithie, there is a Guillemot and Razorbills near the centre

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