Tuesday 8 March 2022

Blackcap returns? (It's a mystery)

Today's challenge as it was last year this week, was to get some photos of a female Blackcap, one was in the garden on 12/3/2021, and likely had been for a few days. I'd predicted to Olive that one would turn up this week, more in hope than expectation after my Google Photo app showed me last years photos, success. Olive wasn't impressed as she wanted to do some gardening, she eventually did and flushed it, she'll be in big trouble if it doesn't return......she'll have to make the tea when it's my turn! 
All photos and video through double glazing that needs a wash!

I didn't think I'd get a return visit from last years Blackcap as I'd had to cut back the habitat it favoured, Brambles and others growing behind my garage. Maybe it's a different Blackcap but ringing returns have shown that over-wintering birds are loyal to sites, and visit gardens when the weather is hard

I first saw it a couple of days ago when it was facing into the sun and on the ground where the Tree Sparrows feed, I decided it was an under the weather Tree Sparrow. Today from my dining room I had a closer look with my P1000 to see if it was healthy, and it turned side on and gave itself away as a Blackcap. It might be a German bird, it had claimed the best sun-bathing spot and wouldn't budge even for a Blackbird!

With a bit of heat on it's wee body and belly full of seeds it perked up and did what any warbler should and hopped around the bushes

The Yellowhammers had to play second fiddle today, but photos from an upstairs window worked much better than any from ground level, focusing was much easier

I think I'll try a trail camera tonight so whatever goes on early morning is recorded, a lot of food disappears before I get up! I did film the Vixen on Saturday but the frost and dampness obscured the view

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