Thursday 24 March 2022

Chocolate Mining Bees and Shelducks

I noticed my first Chocolate Mining Bees in Olive's garden yesterday, 23/3/2022 which is earlier than last year's date of 4/4/2021. They're not active today in the drizzle. After spotting the first bee I got my DSLR out of the car and returned just in time to see a large spider drag it into a crevice underneath Olive's window! I blame her for poor maintenance, apparently that's supposed to be my job.
I spent some time at Forfar Loch where not much was happening, then I went down to Maryton Ditch as the tide began to rise. Not anything special seen or going on, but it was a warm day and I spent time scanning the Basin for something rare. The videos below were taken at distance, I might try to film Shelducks again, but closer once I find out where that could be.

RSPB Scotland encouraging the public to continue to report upland fires      

Chocolate Mining Bee in the sunny front garden, they are early this year

There were around 15 Magpies flying around in groups and calling all along the track on the north side of Forfar Loch, 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at the sailing club spit

Shelducks courtship display, out of shot squabbling and fighting. Seen from Maryton Ditch where Eiders and Goldeneye could be seen displaying as well. A group of 64 Black-tailed Godwits with one bird already showing some breeding plumage and 8 Pintails viewed through my scope towards the SWT Centre

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