Friday 25 March 2022

Sea birds at Arbroath Cliffs

An afternoon trip to Arbroath Cliffs, and in the sun! Birds seen were, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Shags, Herring Gulls, Razorbills, Cormorants, Oystercatchers, Rock Pipits, Skylarks and Feral Pigeons. Although there are lots of Kittiwakes, they are almost always below the cliff top and 
it's difficult to get focus, birds with the sky background are easier to photograph and there's no clutter in the background.
Elsewhere a couple of photos from the Lurgies, my first butterfly photo this year, and my current favourite bee species, the Tree Bumblebee!

No videos, instead a link where you can sign up for the Wild Justice Newsletter, they campaign using the law and courts for change to wildlife laws and regulation, and it works, click here  Wild Justice

Fulmar at Arbroath Cliffs

Every year a Herring Gull sits on this perch and lets me get very close

It's got a partner this year

Kittiwake 2nd year, still showing juvenile plumage

Kittiwake adult, looking very blue in the shade of the cliffs

Kittiwake in the harsh afternoon sunlight

Black-tailed Godwits at the Lurgies, shows the wing patterns above and below, long dark legs, black tail and straight beak

A very colourful male Chaffinch on the Lurgies path

I saw two of these Peacock Butterflies yesterday, this is the first I could photograph and in my garden

I assume this is the same Tree Bumblebee Queen I posted here before

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