Saturday 26 March 2022

Craigmill Den - revisiting the past

It's been a long time since I visited Craigmill Den and I found it overgrown in places, a with a low water level, and not much new growth yet. In the middle of a warm day there were few birds around other than the noisy Rooks and Crows, a pair of Stock Doves, some Goldfinches, and two Song Thrushes. There were signs of a Dipper or perhaps a Grey Wagtail but I didn't see any birds.
Everything I photographed seemed to be into the sun and most birds were unsettled due to cyclists and walkers.

Stock Dove

Teal, I think this is the first time I've seen Teal in the Craigmill Burn, and odd place for them to be, especially given the low water level and throughput of walkers

I've heard many Song Thrushes recently but this is the first I've seen

The Rookery in Craigmill Den appears to be spreading, it's on both banks of the burn and another smaller colony near the weir

Today's insect, another Chocolate Mining Bee. This one was investigating the air vent for the foundations of the house

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