Friday 1 April 2022

Garganey pair and chaperone

A return visit to Murton on the basis I could shelter from the snow showers in any of the three hides, or even the small "bus shelters". I could only find two Garganey drakes and the one duck, I suspect the other pair may be the pair at the east end of Forfar Loch. New at Murton were a pair of Redshanks but generally there were less birds about. Just to the east of the Murton farm at the roadside at Tammy's Knowe, a Roe Deer had been killed on the road. A Red Kite was flying low over the carcass and was at risk of being hit by traffic, I moved it off the road to somewhere a bit more safe. I thought if it hung around at the carcass I could film it from a distance, but Scottish Water lorries and vans arrived and I never saw the Kite again

Just two videos, of some quality though, Garganeys, 2 drakes feeding        Garganey, the bachelor

Perhaps the last photos I'll take of the Garganey's unless this cold weather persists and keeps them from moving on north

From a distance but it includes 1 Garganey drake, Teal, Wigeon and a Gadwall drake

Another one of the young Roe Deer at Murton, I saw a group of five of various ages, and if you look, you'll see two sets of ears in the long grass

First photo of  a Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly, taken before the cold weather returned

I'm still getting up to six Greenfinches, they visit the back and front garden

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