Saturday 19 March 2022

Love is in the air (pond)

As I predicted at the start of the week when I found some frog spawn at Montreathmont Forest. Today I counted at least 14 Frogs in and near an ever increasing area of spawn in my garden pond.
Also while filming the Frogs, a pair of Woodpigeons landed very close by and decided to join in with the reproduction effort!
The videos were taken from a closed upstairs window, the photos from behind a cotoneaster in Olive's garden.

Frog spawning party        Frogs spawning in my pond 19/3/2022        Woodpigeons making Woodpigeons

Yesterday there was one clump of spawn and one Frog seen, today there were at least 14. Photo from Olive's garden into mine

No idea what these are growing in Olive's garden, I do know that she'll have to get rid of the weeds or the Chocolate Mining Bees won't build their nests there!

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