Monday 11 April 2022

"Yada, yada, yada. The Scottish Government’s idea of what constitutes ‘a matter of urgency’ is very different to mine"

Suburban Buzzards, a new Bumblebee and a Mining Bee which I haven't conclusively identified!
I've just finished watching a TV program about Glaciers, and it seems they move quicker than the Scottish Government, and Scottish Law.

13% increase in recorded wildlife crime incidents in Scotland – new Government report  


A pale/juvenile Common Buzzard, one of three directly overhead when I was photographing bees in my garden

Darker adult which with another chased off the juvenile

My first Red-tailed Bumblebee Queen this year, and like all of the other bees, on the heather

I think this is a female Buffish Mining Bee Andrena nigroaenea, it could be a Chocolate Mining Bee but it should have some white hairs on the hind legs

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