Friday 15 April 2022

Dark-edged Bee-fly, Bombylius major

A mix of Bee-fly, Pipits and Corvids seen in the garden and along the Arbroath coastline while Olive was rehabilitating a "sports injury" by exercising! Me, I'm waiting for migrants to arrive in some numbers instead of searching for the early few!
Just one new video and an old one from a batch my modern software improved.

Short and slowed down Dark-edged Bee-fly video         and an old reworked Glaucous Gull video

Dark-edged Bee-fly, also known as Greater Bee-fly, a first for me and in Olive's garden, lurking or heating up above the area where the Chocolate Mining Bees nests are

It was beating its wings at this point to generate some heat

A slightly strange but regular pest in my garden, and given yesterdays behaviour it's a female

Tulips in Olive's garden, posted to keep my chef happy

Rock Pipits at Victoria Park in Arbroath are nesting at the moment and weren't easily moved by people walking by

This Rock Pipit was at West Links and again was quite approachable, but didn't like wee boys walking along the sea wall. I can't tell if the fly it had was for its mate or for young

Carrion Crows are a fixture along the Angus coast and will readily feed by dropping mussels onto the rocks, or eat pizza, chips or even ice cream dropped or discarded by humans

Jackdaws also favour the beach area and forage in the washed up sea weed, I hope the council have stopped cleaning it up! I also wonder if the ever increasing numbers of  "commercial buckie pickers" are having an affect on the waders which feed on the immature buckies, no breeding adults, no immatures

A Mallard drake in the paddling pool at West Links, Arbroath. I think the gates are locked and it had the whole pool and island to itself in the absence of those pesky children!! 

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