Wednesday 11 May 2022

Whitethroats - Lesser and Common

Auchmithie in-between showers and although I got a decent photo of a Common Whitethroat, one of a pair, I didn't get any photos of two Lesser Whitethroats that were flushed south along the track. I'd just arrived and could see them through my scope when someone walked past me. It's a well used track, put in by the farm and used mostly by Auchmithie residents.
Also around the same area, 4 Wheatears, 3 Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings.
Eiders at Montrose Basin, filmed at the Lurgies, many scattered across the basin just now and still some courting to be done.

More bad news from the moors, death toll now 70, click here      
Eider female - multiple males following!

Common Whitethroat



Corn Bunting, singing male

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