Sunday 31 July 2022

Kingfisher, Chiffchaff and Sandwich Terns

A surprise garden visitor, more Sandwich Terns than I thought we'd get given avian flu, and as usual for this time of year, some hoverfly photos.
Some long distance videos from Montrose Basin, the Common Terns have increased in numbers since the clip was made and Knot have started to appear, still in summer colours.
Great Egret + 6 Herons        Common Terns (3000mm)

Two late additions to this post photographed at the Old Harbour, Montrose Basin.

A rather strange and flat image of the male Kingfisher, it flew out of the channel and spotted a walker, turned and flew back, only to be flushed by the same walker and it disappeared upstream.  

There were six Common Sandpipers at the harbour, none could see me but they did spot the same walker on the outward leg of their walk

Chiffchaff juvenile in my garden, not the first but quite rare for the garden, previous ones were older and later

Sandwich Tern juvenile at Whiting Ness, Arbroath

Adult Sandwich Tern

Fascinated by a ripple

Mum/Dad I'm hungry

Dunlin juvenile

Bottlenose Dolphin, around 800 metres out at sea, my first view of it was when it jumped high out of the water

Rock Pipit, numbers increasing

Back in my garden, I think this is the closest any Buzzard has come, but the camera was set up for insects!

I think this adult Frog is the one I released from a kayak in the garden, it might not have needed help but I didn't take the risk

Small White Butterfly, the black on the wing edge doesn't turn the corner

Small White Butterfly

Large White Butterfly

Large White Butterfly, note the black on the wing turns the corner

Deadhead Hoverfly Myathropa florea

Pied Hoverfly Scaeva pyrastri 

Tree Wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris

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