Wednesday 3 August 2022

Little Gull, Mediterranean Gull and Common Seals

Just the one bird photo due to the gale of wind blowing at West Links when I was there on Tuesday.
All of the other photos were taken at Boddin Point Lime Kilns, also in strong winds which kept the butterfly numbers and species low.
Just three videos, two from West Links including a Little Gull, and another filmed from the Sailing Club at Montrose Basin of the Common Seals sitting on a sandbank as the tide rose. You will see from the video that most of them appear to panic and rush into the water, given they were around a kilometre from the shore, I can't imagine why/if they felt threatened.

Little Gull at West Links      Lesser Black-backed Gull with begging juvenile      Common Seals Montrose Basin 

Mediterranean Gull AL.ZZ still at West Links, Arbroath

Male Common Blue Butterfly at Boddin Lime Kilns

Green Veined White Butterfly at Boddin

Meadow Brown, Boddin

Six Spot Burnett Moth

Red-tailed Bumblebee male

Harvestman on my back door

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