Friday 5 August 2022

Damsels and Dragons, and Gadwall ducklings

Some photos from a hot afternoon walk around Murton NR near Forfar, where the Wetlands scrape in front of the car park hide was nearly dry. The only birds were 3 Greylags and a single Lapwing. 
There was more water in Buddy's Loch from the Stewart Hide, with 320 Greylags, a single Wigeon in eclipse, 7 Lapwings, 5 Mallards, and a Grey Heron.
The highlight was a Gadwall with 2 ducklings, the first time I've seen breeding success there, unfortunately a Mute Swan pursued both ducklings while I was there. Later from the Gladstone Hide the duck only had one duckling, but I think the other was still alive and out of view hiding, as it was when I first saw them.
No photos of birds as they were all distant, but I managed some video of the Gadwall family.

Gadwall's being chased by a Swan      Gadwall and one duckling      

Bonus Grey Wagtail from "Danger Point"

A very red Common Darter Dragonfly male seen near the Stewart Hide at Murton NR

The same one as above, just on a different stone

More like the usual colour variant, although I believe the red colour could till develop

Watch where you walk, but they'll always see you before you see them

Emerald Damselfly male, near the unused Sand Martin wall

Maybe the same one as above

Common Blue Damselfly

Olive thinks this is Maiden Pink, so does Google Lens, so that's me happy

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