Wednesday 23 November 2022

Northern Wheatear - very late migrant

I'm slipping into my usual winter routine where I choose a site or two to visit during the day and if there's light left I have a quick look around Arbroath, mainly the coast and harbour. This post covers the beach at Victoria Park with a couple of Purple Sandpiper photos from around the harbour at the end. The single video was from a week or more ago.

Egrets and Herons

A Northern Wheatear at Victoria Park, Arbroath, a very late bird, in fact the latest one recorded in Angus according to our local recorder Jon, the previous one was November 3rd, this one November 20th. The first photos I took suggested an upright pale bird, could it be an Isabelline, well no, as the later and best photos show

Rock Pipit, many birds were feeding in the seaweed washed up but this one was picking flies from the walkway

I like this photo as it walked across a puddle

There's always a tame Crow about, they're used to getting fed scraps as are the gulls which will then inevitably steal food from summer visitors

Great Black-backed Gull, thankfully they don't bother or attack visitors, a bird of that size could cause some damage

Pied Wagtail, a few were on the beach, many more were along the park, road and pavements

Redshank keeping guard and always the first to spot walkers and dogs

Purple Sandpiper at Arbroath Harbour, I counted 46 birds on a stormy but bright day

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