Thursday 1 December 2022

Late November Angus Birds

Starting today, 1/12/2022 in mist and drizzle, I found the adult Mediterranean Gull at Victoria Park, 136 Golden Plovers behind the Old Brewhouse and a ringed Black-headed Gull at West Links.
Following on are photos showing what the floods have done at the Lurgies.
More from along the coast at Lunan Bay and Auchmithie.
Finally, after a scan at Arbroath Infirmary I had a walk round Keptie Pond. I never realised that the NHS would have such a proactive interest in my health when I reached 65, don't they know I'm related to Peter Pan!

Have your say and help the birds, don't take their continuing existence for granted!

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Great Egret, distant in gloomy light         Mediterranean Gull yellow AL.ZZ      

Golden Plovers, Old Brewhouse              Great Black-backed Gull

Black-headed Gull, West Links, yellow 2AR5

Great Black-backed Gull, Victoria Park, Arbroath

The Great Egret is still at Montrose Basin, today I couldn't find it at low tide then it appeared directly out from Maryton Ditch, albeit 300 metres away, before moving off again downstream

The view of the mud from the Lurgies path, it's been scoured away by the November floods. Today the level of the South Esk was 0.6 metres and is classed as within normal range, it reached over 3 metres during the rains and looks to have overflowed the channel and washed away the surface layer of mud and weed

Upstream, as well as the scouring sand has been moved or deposited

It's difficult to say for sure if this channel has grown or if it's just the water level is still a bit high

This dam has been built in the burn at the Old Harbour to stop erosion of the bank on the corner where it enters the basin

At least 6 lobster pots (sunks) in this line (basher) all look to be in good condition or repairable if someone can get to them. They are at the end of the tall dunes on the south side of the beach at Lunan Bay, they are not cheap to make or buy

The blue and white marker buoy and this purple and orange one with BCK... may help identify them, I'd think they'll be from Montrose

Some of a flock of 50-60 Goldfinches feeding in the winter bird crop at Seafield

Not far from the Goldfinches but too far for my camera, a male Sparrowhawk which isn't a species I recall seeing here before

I've been checking out Common Gulls since reading an article about the Russian variant

These Feral Pigeons and a few Herring Gulls were all I saw on a walk along the cliffs looking for a stray Snow Bunting

I took the opportunity to get a flight shot at keptie Pond when two of the Keptie Friends flushed just about everything when they waded across to the island


Immature Moorhen


Adult Moorhen

Stock Dove

Black-headed Gull

Red-crested Pochard x Mallard is still my best bet for this hybrid

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