Tuesday 30 May 2023

Corn Buntings, farmland birds and more

I had a hard day on Monday, I covered 9 miles of hard ground walking the tram lines in wheat and barley fields while surveying for Corn Bunting and other farmland birds. Then foolishly walked another 4 miles in the afternoon at Hatton.

I went on a short trip to Montrose on Tuesday to get the stiffness out of my legs, visiting Glaxo, the road bridge over the South Esk and the Lurgies. Too early in the day it appears, as Dan has found a Little Stint, an American Golden Plover and two Curlew Sandpipers tonight, Tuesday.

Photos from both of my cameras, I carry the lighter weight P1000 for the surveys and it helps with ID when looking into the low morning sun at 0630, by over-exposing the photos, none of them here.

Corn Bunting singing male        Red-breasted Mergansers

Jackdaw on the beach at Glaxo

Male Linnet on the Glaxo fence

The Montrose Pilot zooming into the river and past the 5 knots no wake sign

Common Tern from the road bridge 

Grey Seal from the road bridge

Oystercatchers, as above

Eider drake at the Lurgies

Eider female

Most likely the same Osprey as in a previous post

There were four Red-breasted Merganser males and one female, these three were out of luck

This batch are from my Corn Bunting survey

Singing male

Reed Bunting male

Yellowhammer male guarding a nest

Linnet on the railway fence at Hatton

Sedge Warbler as above

Juvenile Starlings are all over my street, and making themselves heard

Chocolate Mining Bee Andrena scotica on my indoor kayak, which is of course outdoors

Same one which offered up the opposite profile

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