Friday, 18 August 2023

Sex & Bugs & Sausage Rolls

After a quiet period in my garden, a night of rain brought in some of this years young birds, nothing remarkable but welcome just the same.

Everything else below comes from Barry Buddon where I aborted my plan to walk down to the lighthouses to look for terns. Instead when the sun came out as I walked past the Yeomanry Ponds, I had a look for dragonflies and found enough to keep me there. On the way back I diverted to  Carnoustie Golf Links (CGL) and picked up a few more insects and butterflies. All of the insects were photographed using a 500mm lens with a 1.4 teleconverter, not the usual kit for the job which was to have been terns, but surprisingly it worked to a decent level.

I intended to search for terns at Westhaven but ran out of fuel and begged my late lunch from Olive's daughter, mini sausage rolls, then heartburn....

No videos so I've included a blast from the past found in my collection which I was thinning out. The UHD videos take up huge amounts of hard drive space, I got it down from over 700gb to 252gb!

Turtle Dove at Mains of Usan in 2014        Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Ian Dury and the Blockheads

Blue Tit juvenile in my garden

Dunnock juvenile

the same Dunnock

Most years I get a juvenile Willow Warbler in my garden, often in the morning before there's much disturbance

Same Willow Warbler photographed through double-glazing at an angle

Four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata, seen at Barry Buddon

Common Darters mating

Green-veined White

Meadow Brown

Here's looking at you! Meadow Brown Butterfly plus Chaetostomella cylindrica CGL 

Peacock Butterfly on Carnoustie Golf Links (CGL)


Red Admiral Butterfly, CGL

Red Admiral

Small Copper Butterfly, Barry Buddon

Small Copper

Emerald Damselflies Lestes sponsa, mating pair on Barry Buddon

same pair

Emerald Damselfly Lestes sponsa male

Common Blue Damselfly. The area on CGL where we used to see Azure Damselflies, a very similar species, was affected by the wind farm cabling and is now overgrown with only a few common butterflies found on the day

Shaded Broad-bar Moth Scotopteryx chenopodiata, seen on Barry Buddon and CGL

Wood or Common Carpet Moth CGL

European Crane Fly Tipula paludosa CGL

Meadow Grasshopper, Barry Buddon

Bog Hoverfly Sericomyia silentis Barry Buddon

Common Flower Fly Syrphus ribesii CGL

Broad-banded Hoverfly Epistrophe grossulariae CGL 

Yellow-girdled Fleckwing Dasysyrphus tricinctus CGL 

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