Friday, 1 September 2023

Coast, Dunes, Forest and garden - Birds and Insects

A long post with many photos from my walk along to the estuary of the North Esk at Kinnaber Links. Basically I've imported birds other than terns and gannets which were covered in the previous posts, followed by insects and butterflies. Then some photos from Tayock at Montrose Basin, a quick look at Rossie Spit, and then insects and butterflies in my garden.
Photos will be in alphabetical order for each day I was out, with an odd photo fitted in from elsewhere, identities for insects aren't guaranteed, and from ObsIdentify and Paul Brock's book. 
I'd give a bit more info but I'm being called to mow the lawn(s).

Spotted Redshank video, click here      Med Gull at West Links      Common Terns at Kinnaber

Canada Geese at Kinnaber, on the estuary pool at high tide



Mediterranean Gull adult with yellow ring AL:ZZ, a yearly visitor to West Links



Yellowhammer into the sun

Meadow Brown

Meadow Brown

Peacock Butterfly

Red Admiral, lots of them in sheltered sunny clearings

Silver Y Moth, not easy to see


Silver Y Moth

Small Heath Butterfly

Speckled Wood Butterfly

Common Banded Hoverfly Syrphus ribesii, in my garden

Common Wasp on my pond

European Crane Fly

Greenshank at Tayock Hide, Montrose Basin

This was a test photo of a Herring Gull, trying to find the correct settings in the strong sunlight

House Sparrow, seen from Olive's "coffee patio"

Long Hoverfly Sphaerophoria scripta

On a neighbours roof, there were four and I hadn't seen any for a few weeks

Orange-legged Furrow Bee

Silver Y Moth

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Small White Butterfly female Tayock, seen mating with the one below

Tachinid Fly Eriothrix rufomaculata in my garden

Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Dunlin, Knot and Lapwing, a distant tripod photo

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