Saturday, 4 November 2023

Slavonian Grebe in the big city

I was reminded just why I don't like Dundee on Friday, too many vehicles, traffic systems, buses stopping every few hundred metres, and of course badly signed roadworks. I used work in Dundee when tolerated it all when I was on someone else's time. Now it's my time and I'm used to country roads with not much more than a slow tractor, or pensioner....
I think I've covered the content below, and added some videos from Montrose Basin which I'd forgotten I had, they were from 30/10/2023.

Slavonian Grebe, City Quays Dundee      Pintails, from Montrose Railway Station      

Curlew eating a crab, from Montrose Railway Station      New Vixen(?) in my garden

Slavonian Grebe found by Eliza in City Quay Docks, Dundee. It moved between the central and east docks and was never close in poor light, and then it rained....

Earlier I'd had a look at Monikie CP but not many birds were present, and none were unusual or rare

Released or escaped, this Swedish Blue has been around at Monikie for over a year now, and I suspect it's a drake given the dark bill

A female Stonechat at Westhaven where I'd had a late look for Alex Smith's Black Redstart, which had moved on

Male Stonechat which was with the female above

The Redstart had been favouring this lattice fence, now occupied by a Wren

Just the two Purple Sandpipers at Arbroath on Friday

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