Thursday, 18 January 2024

RSPB Corn Bunting Project comes good for farmland birds at Auchmithie

Farms around Auchmithie take part in the Corn Bunting Project, and one of the measures the farmers take is the planting of strips of winter feed crops. I've been visiting two strips near Auchmithie through the winter and haven't seen many birds using them. 
On Wednesday January 17th, with snow on the ground for a second day, the two strips were full of birds, which otherwise would be struggling to find enough food. There were Corn Buntings, Skylarks, Linnets, Goldfinches, Reed Buntings, Grey Partridges, Yellowhammers and more, with Redwings, Fieldfares and a single Mistle Thrush in Auchmithie. Proof of the concept, and well done to the RSPB and the local farmers.

Skylark, near the old school house

More Skylarks, disturbed briefly by walkers

Corn Bunting, in a tree, in a garden at the end of the village

26 Corn Buntings seen, 16 were in this photo before cropping

Redwing, a group of 70 were feeding on a grassy slope on the cliffs, overlooking the beach

Redwing flying south

Fieldfare also flying towards Arbroath

A single Mistle Thrush with the Redwings

Yellowhammer, in the same tree as the Corn Buntings

One of 12 Grey Partridges seen, originally near the old school house, then on Seafield near the village

A couple of Roe ran through the school house field in a break when a muck spreader had gone to fill up

Common Gulls, with some Herring and Black-headed waiting for the muck spreading to resume

Collared Dove in Auchmithie

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