Friday, 2 February 2024

Bittern at Monikie CP

I thought and I'm confident that most local birders believed this Bittern had left the Denfind Pond at Monikie. Not so Dan Pointon, who found it on a very cold wet and windy day. I quickly found it the following morning and it's been seen often since, it's the first Bittern record in Angus since 2018.

There's a theme building here, Dan had also re-found the Smew Redhead at Forfar Loch, so that was my next visit when Graham and I saw it briefly, I went back the next day and found it close in on the south bank of the loch. I only managed a poor photo as it was fishing in full view of the path where people were walking past regularly.

Before going home I had a look at Arbroath Harbour where three Long-tailed Ducks were present. 

Teal courtship at Forfar Loch, click here      Long-tailed Duck female, Arbroath Harbour

Bittern, almost hidden on the edge of reeds in a dark corner. This photo was one of many attempts to get a clear view through trees, bushes and reeds

A very slow and deliberate technique when fishing when compared to Herons and Egrets

Smew female (Redhead) on Forfar Loch opposite the Sailing Club and never straying far from the cover of the reeds

My first sighting of the ringed Great black-backed Gull yellow X-088 for sometime, I think it's an Isle of May bird?

This adult Grey Seal appeared directly in front of me in Arbroath Harbour when I was watching the three Long-tailed Ducks

This Herring Gull did manage to flip the crab shell over only to find it was already stripped of any food

There's always a few Turnstones around the Harbour, often on boats. I also had a Heron flying around the harbour which twice landed on boats, never seen that before

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