Monday, 5 February 2024

Common Scoter and Long-tailed Ducks - Arbroath Harbour

Two different days with very different light. Below some from Arbroath Harbour, then Tayock in good light, and Keptie Pond.
Also seen in a quick look at Rossie Spit, four drake Shovelers and around 70 Godwits, mostly Black-tailed with some Bar-tailed. No sign of the Green-winged Teal.

Common Scoter female in Arbroath Harbour

Just the pair of Long-tailed Ducks today, this is the male

and the female

The Long-tailed and Common Scoter females

In the centre of the photo, a Brown Hare hiding in the stubble of a field near Marywell

Herring Gulls in very strong sunlight shining directly on them at Tayock Hide

Redshanks at Tayock

Grey Herons courting at Keptie Pond, and they have been tentatively building or investigating a nest a few metres away

There were 13 male Goosanders and just the one "popular" female

and to the winner

Coot, the seasonal fighting is now getting more serious

There are more Tufted Drakes at present than females, but not much courtship happening yet

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