Tuesday 4 June 2024

Glenesk, Lochlee and Glenlee

Multiple photos of various birds taken during a walk in Glenesk, Lochlee and Glenlee. Other birds too far away or into the sun, included an Osprey catching a fish, a Kestrel, Red-legged Partridges, Pheasants, a Cuckoo from the roadside early morning, many Mistle Thrushes. 
I only saw a few butterflies, Orange Tip and Small Heath, perhaps the strong gusty wind wasn't to their liking.  

Both sides now, 2022 - Joni Mitchell, click here

Whinchat, nesting in some gorse

This Whinchat was nesting in a small plantation

If I wasn't sitting having a break, it's very likely I wouldn't have see this Spotted Flycatcher. The next photo is the uncropped original

Grey Wagtail on the parapet of a small bridge

Probably 16 Wheaters were seen, maybe more

Meadow Pipit, both sides now

Same bird other side view

The first bird I saw after leaving the car park, Song Thrush


I think there were 5 Common Sandpiper territories and most were calling to fledged young, and were luring walkers away

The only pair seen close enough together to get them both in the photo

Sadly I only found 4 Lapwings, none heard calling

Pied Wagtail

This appears to be a Large Velvet Ant Mutilla europaea, which is a parasitoid wasp

ObsIdentify shows this as a Dor Beetle Anoplotrupes stercorosus, same as one in another glen recently posted here

Small Heath Butterfly, the only one I saw in 10 miles

Arty shot, in my head!

Not sure why Red Deer stags are being kept in this and another field

Peacock near the water measurement station/public car park

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