Wednesday 5 June 2024

Creepy Crawlies

More insect species from my garden and a first photo of what ObsIdentify said were Lesser Bulb Flies. Also a photo of a pigeon which is almost identical to it's father, and lucky not to be like it's sibling.

The other photos are from Keptie Pond where I went when waiting for "Lady Penelope" to summon "Parker" to take her home in the style she's become accustomed to!

Lady Penelope (full episode), click here        Creepy Crawly, Boris the Spider

Red Mason Bee

Narcissus Bulb Fly

Lesser Bulb Flies

Gooden's Nomad Bee

Common Carder Bee

House Sparrow bathing

Female Blackbird



One of two offspring from a Racing Pigeon, Feral Pigeon pair, the adult is ringed, the other twin of this one was killed and eaten by a female Sparrowhawk in my garden

This Heron can't be nesting, probably just roosting

Golden Carp

Soft Shell Turtle

Around 45cm apparently, but I couldn't see all of it under the weed

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