Saturday 22 June 2024

Kinnaber Links, Red-necked Footman Moth

Another windy day and still not many insects active, this time I was at Kinnaber Links north of Montrose and found a few Red-necked Footman Moths, a newly emerged Cinnabar Moth, two Small Pearl Bordered Fritillaries, and more, including birds and a Roe Deer.

Insect ID checked with ObsIdentify and my book, but no guarantees!

Red-necked Footman Moth, Kinnaber Links, Montrose

Note the colour coordinated orange tongue

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary Butterfly

Small Heath Butterfly

Pellucid Fly Volucella pellucens

Bumblebee Plumehorn Volucella bombylans

Field Cuckoo Bee Bombus campestris (maybe)

Cinnabar Moth newly emerged and still unfolding its wings

Dagger Fly Empis tessellata

Black Clock Beetle Pterostichus madidus

Roe Deer


Reed Bunting male

Reed Bunting female

Meadow Pipit


Giant Hogweed on the south bank of the estuary

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