Tuesday 25 June 2024

Small Blue Butterfly, Four-spotted Chaser and others

Mostly insects in this post from Glamis, Kinnordy and Murton. I did see Marsh Harriers, , Ospreys and numbers of Lapwings at Murton has grown.

I've run out of time as the football is coming on the TV, "That's All Folks"

Small Blue Butterfly, Glamis

I think this is the same Small Blue, the only one I saw

Common Blue Butterfly on Kidney Vetch

Ringlet Butterfly at Murton

Meadow Brown Butterfly

Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly, photo from the Gullery Hide at Loch of Kinnordy

not the same one, at least 6 present

Blue-tailed Damselfly mature male

Common Blue Damselfly adult male

Common Blue Damselfly, young adult male

Common Blue Damselfly, also young adult male

The Footballer aka Sun Fly, this one at Glamis

Lapwings were bathing and squabbling at Murton, adults appeared to be driving off this years youngsters

Common Carder Bee, maybe one from my garden

Orchid at Murton, could be a hybrid?

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