Saturday, 1 June 2024

Lurgies Path(e) News, 1/6/2024

News from the Lurgies, but the photos of the car park and repaired path have disappeared! The car park has been levelled and at present has a road metalling surface, the fence has been re-built, still some work to be done and it remains closed. The path looks to be finished, and is back to the same height as the existing path, the top soil in the field has been levelled.

As expected there weren't many birds around other than two Ospreys, photos of one here, the other flew across the field being chased by an immature Great black-backed Gull. A young male Red-breasted Merganser obliged and appeared to decide that I was no threat while standing still behind gorse bushes.

The rest of the photos are from my garden where I counted 53 Starlings in a flock.

Perhaps the same Osprey I photographed at the Lurgies, Montrose Basin a week or so ago, and almost in the same place

Immature male Red-breasted Merganser

It turned out that putting out some old fat balls for the Starlings wasn't a good idea, it brought in eight Herring Gulls

Adult Starling feeding his juvenile

Still two male Yellowhammers coming to my garden

Woodpigeon, so close I couldn't get it all in a frame

Coal Tit, visiting a black sunflower feeder, and unusually removing the husk on the lawn

House Sparrow youngsters, the middle one a bit older than the other two

I've found it impossible to keep this Magpie away from where I potentially have two nests

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